Grace Alumni Profile of Giving – Brennan Taylor
Brennan Taylor, son of Galen and Lezlie Taylor, attended Grace from K4 until graduation in 2012. While in school, his interests included athletics, choir, drama, and leadership in various forms. Upon graduation, he attended the United States Air Force Academy where he was gratified to find that he was well-prepared for the rigorous academics, and he continued to have solid and mutual support with his Grace friends.
“I was grateful for both the academic preparation I had received and for the strong community of friends from GCS I could depend on.” During his freshman year, he received an email asking him, as an alumnus, to support a current GCS student through financial aid. In explaining why he chose to begin a system of monthly support Brennan said, “When I recognized that even my small gift to financial aid would allow someone else to experience the same wonderful opportunities I enjoyed through Grace, I knew it was a cause I wanted to contribute to.” And today as an Air Force lieutenant overseeing project development, he continues his support.