Why We Love Grace! – The Hamons Family

“My kids have attended all of the campuses over the years. They currently are at the upper campus high school. This campus is unique and special to our family because this is the campus where our kids have had the most change and growth. This is the campus where
They get the privilege of being taught in an environment that is free to teach/discuss everything through a Biblical worldview. They also get to be truly known one on one by their teachers and administrators due to the “small school” feel at Grace. They are also able to participate in all activities they choose at Grace, which is something they likely wouldn’t be able to do at larger schools.
We have certainly made sacrifices over the years, and our kids haven’t launched quite yet into the world on their own, they still have one more year. However, we have seen evidence of fruit in their lives as they have been at Grace that has given us hope and encouragement that our sacrifices and investment were well worth it.
Pray about it! God will give you a clear answer and make a way if it is His will. Pray and evaluate the decision each year. When your kids are older (junior high/high school) get their input as well.”
~ Karrie & Foy Hamons
GCS Parents